About Lil’ Ol’ Me

Hi There! My name is Celia. I am a nine year old girl soon to be ten and I really like to play soccer. I love going to the gym and like to annoy my teacher at recess.  My teacher thinks I should be a comedian, but I think I should just be a boss.  I also think I will make a lot of money in the future because I usually get what I want.  Another thing that I like is Link from Legends of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I am a gamer-not!I have two siblings, one older sister and one younger brother- you know what that means, I am the middle child! Well that’s enough about me, hope you like my blog!

Troy Baker on mute Link from Legend of Zelda: "he's not alone in the  perennial well of lore and magic" - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild  II - Gamereactor